

There's a new updated paperback edition of Six Capitals out in May 2020

I’m happy to say that a new, fully revised and updated paperback edition of Six Capitals is being published in May 2020 by Allen & Unwin. It seems very timely.

As I write we’re getting stark lessons in how important our communities and beautiful green and blue places are. We must value them in our economic, accounting, financial and legal systems. The new edition of Six Capitals updates the story of four movements that are designed to do just that - to value people and the planet.

This paperback edition has a new subtitle - Capitalism, climate change and the accounting revolution that can save the planet - which highlights the link between accounting and capitalism. The way accountants value people and the planet is hugely significant for us all and for our beautiful earth. The living natural world and our communities are currently given NO VALUE - literally! - in our global economy, and we live with the consequences: horrendous fires, floods, droughts, species extinctions, ecosystem collapse and now a pandemic that is shutting down the world.

Six Capitals contains urgent messages and new ways of thinking for our times. It’s about capitalism’s self-diagnosis as a chronically sick system that must change. Now we must heed the diagnosis and make the change. The times are screaming out at us to do so.

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